
The world of five and six-year-old is a world of exploration and discovery.  The Kindergarten program should nurture this natural inclination by providing a joyful, stimulating, loving and reassuring atmosphere. In addition, Kindergarten provides a bridge between Pre-School and Elementary School.  An important academic foundation will be laid each year and good work habits will be instilled.

"Our classroom looks forward to a year of joy and accomplishments as your child explores his self, his world, and his God!"

When you first enter our Kindergarten classroom, you should feel the warmth and friendliness. The development of self-esteem is one of the most important goals of the Kindergarten classroom, and each student should feel that what they have to offer is important. As teachers, we are responsible for helping students feel good about who they are and confident in their ability to tackle the challenges of learning.  

Our classroom can be rambunctious at times; students at this age love to talk. Kindergartners' vocabulary is growing very rapidly, and many are developing the power to express ideas. When we provide students with opportunities to talk about what they are learning, we are helping them to construct meaning and learn from their experiences. Children should be working together, problem-solving and sharing ideas and activities. This helps children learn how to think through problems and find solutions together.

One of the most important things our teachers do in preparing children for success in school, and in reading, is to read aloud to them. Read-alouds help build listening skills, comprehension skills, and so much more.

Music and movement are also a part of our successful Kindergarten classroom. The children should be singing and chanting songs, poems, and more. We are passionate about singing because it works! If you use a song to teach a concept, kids tend to remember it.  Mrs. Meyer also make up a lot of the songs and chants we use in class. I hope that you choose to put a little music into your day. I think you will see that your students will have fun and retain skills — all with singing!

Above all else, you should hear giggles coming from these little ones because they are having so much fun learning!


8:30-9:00am MORNING BUSINESS - Helper, jobs, attendance, counting, pledge/prayer

9:00-10:00am LANGUAGE ARTS - Super Kids

* FRIDAYS: Visit to church 9-9:30am*

10:00-10:40am RECESS


10:40-11:00am READ ALOUD - How many books have we read?  

11:00-11:30am HELPER OF THE DAY

*TUESDAYS: Music w/ Mr. Jim Lesley THURSDAYS: Study Buddies with TK*

11:30-12:00pm MATH 

12:00-12:40pm RECESS & LUNCH

12:40-1:00pm READ ALOUD II

1:00-1:30pm PHYSICAL EDUCATION - with Mrs. Ripling 

*TUESDAYS/THURSDAYS: Learning Centers 1:00-2:00pm*

*MONDAYS/WEDNESDAYS: Spanish 1:40-2:10pm*

*MONDAYS/WEDNESDAYS: SGR-Small Group Reinforcement- extra focus for those who need a little help 1:00-2:00pm*

*FRIDAYS: Fix and Finish all work from the week 1:30-2:00pm*

2:10-2:25pm CLOSING - Pack up and car line or extended care.