Room 1

Room 1 holds our youngest students, starting at 2 years and 9 months to the recently turned 3 year olds. Room 1 activities combine learning and play in a safe and caring environment. Through discovery and exploration, teachers find ways to build on children’s social development, all through structured play.



8:30 - 9:00  Come in wash hands, get name tags and play

9:00-9:10   Clean up

9:10-9:30   Morning Circle/Lessons

9:30-9:45   Music and Movement

9:45-10:00  Bathroom / Snacktime

10:00-10:30  Outside Play

10:30-10:40  Come in wash hands

10:40-10:50  Storytime

10:50-11:00  Activities explained 

11:00-11:20   Arts & Crafts

11:20-11:30  Closing Circle / Stamps 

11:30-12:30  Lunch Bunch

Wednesday / Thursday 9:00-9:30  Spanish

Monday / Tuesday 10:00-10:30 Music Class

Thursday / Friday 10:00-10:20 Church